Monday, February 14, 2011

the road to recovery...or some bullshit like that

well... another 3 months have gone by since the last post and nothing significant has really happened outside of day to day life, which i don't feel compelled to share because, well, it's boring. but! something big happened recently. i had surgery on my elbow last tuesday! yay! ok, not really, but at least it's getting fixed. so, since my last post i had been getting in great shape, climbing stronger than i ever have before, climbing outside of work and seeing my year goals/projects come SO close to being completed, then...POP! my fucking elbow exploded the day after christmas! now, there are a number of cool things i can think of that i could have been doing when this incredibly painful and shocking pop happened, but, the truth is, i was parallel parking my god damn car. how fucking lame is that! i knew driving could be dangerous but, FUCK, c'mon! now, i know this was just a case of the 'straw that broke the camels back' since i had FOOLISHLY climbed 16 days on prior to this devastating day, that coupled with excessive holiday partying and lack of water intake lead to a dry, brittle, highly injury prone me. fast-forward 5 weeks and i haven't climbed at all and i'm waiting for insurance bullshit to get cleared up so i can have an MRI done and determine if i need surgery, 5 weeks! fast-forward another 3 weeks and here i am typing with one hand on my couch where i have spent a majority of the last 7 days bored outta my mind. initially my surgeon told me i'll be back "climbing" (5.4's) in 6 weeks, tomorrow i have my post-op follow up with my surgeon which will give me a better idea of what my recovery and rehab will be like, fingers crossed it's 6 weeks! oh, and a HUGE thank you to my good friend julia who came down from Humbolt to take care of me and keep me company.