Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hello again

Well, it's been a little over 2 months since I've posted anything so here's an update.

I started route setting for Touchstone in early August and it's been awesome. A lot of hard work and massive amounts of manual labor are involved in the job, which i really enjoy. I've been extremely exhausted pretty regularly since starting but it's starting to get a lot better. The first couple weeks were BRUTAL, i was falling asleep on the couch at 730 or 8 every night, one night i even fell asleep with a slice of pizza in my lap! On a positive note, i feel as tho all the hard labor and extra climbing is getting me a lot stronger, hopefully that will help this fall season!

Speaking of the fall season, the Vallley season followed by the Bishop season are just around the corner and i couldn't be more excited! Keep your fingers crossed for a cold dry fall! Lately it's been all about Tahoe, Dexter, Lauryn, Andrew, Mike, Daniel, John and i headed up there this past weekend and a few of us the couple weekends before. The conditions have been much less then ideal with temps falling between 74 and 85 degrees but the good times have been up there with the best. There's something about going away to climb for the weekend with absolutely no expectations, it kinda frees you from feeling the need to wake up at 7 to get to the blocks early, or waiting till the end of the day to have a beer, or giving a shit when you don't stick that super reachy dead point move over and over and over. When the weather is warm, the setting is beautiful and you're surrounded by good friends all that stress just disappears and you're left enjoying yourself.

the crew getting ready to get tradical (dex, andrew and i free soloed)

Mike's first Trad experience.

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